Sunday, December 29, 2019

Elderly Adults An Aging Population - 1152 Words

Elderly adults will always be present. If the average age span of the elderly rises, then changes will be made in numerous areas. An aging population calls for a changing nation. Many advantages come with a large elderly population, yet several disadvantages come in tow as well. If that population begins to live exceeding the average lifespan of past records, then numerous accommodations will need to be made. These arrangements will ultimately have an effect on surrounding age groups. Although now looking at the repercussions of significant numbers of elderly existing at the same time can seem very dramatic, years from now as these changes are made and put into action they will grow on society and possibly benefit the nation as a whole. Change involves work, and as that work is dealt with eventually growth will occur. An aging population calls for a changing nation. The number of older adults continues to grow, soon to be the fastest growing age group. When one overrides the other, the goods and services change to those needed by that particular age group. Many advantages come with a large elderly population, yet several disadvantages come in tow as well. If that population begins to live exceeding the average lifespan of past records, then numerous accommodations will need to be made. These arrangements will ultimately have an effect on surrounding age groups. The nation shows many concerns about the growing number of persons 65 years and over living longer. â€Å"A new surveyShow MoreRelatedIt Is Never Too Late To Quit Smoking. Smoking Is A Habit1348 Words   |  6 Pageseffects on the aging process. In older adults, they see a lower quality of life due to a lifelong of smoking. Although smoking in old age has become less popular, the generation of baby boomers is going to change that statistic and will need services for cessation. It is never too late to quit; the benefits of quitting are almost instant. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Timothy Tysons Blood Done Sign My Name

When we examine the various approaches for the Civil Rights Movement that are discussed in Blood Done Sign My Name we find that there is no one clear answer as to which is more affective, because it was the combination of all three: radical, liberal, and conservative that finally pushed some of what the Civil Rights Movement strived for. No approach on its own was able to do anything, whether it was the nonviolent marches and demonstrations which were not able to grab the attention of the white power structure, or the racially driven violence which simply terrified whites, and which most likely would have done nothing were it not paired with the nonviolent demonstrations as well. Blood Done Sign My Name focuses around the killing of†¦show more content†¦He mentions â€Å"When white bus drivers attempted to enforce the segregation ordinances, black soldiers at Camp Butner overturned the buses† . This happened in 1943, so the anger was building for quite some time lea ding up to the massive amounts of destruction that went on in Oxford. The radical approach to Civil Rights in Oxford was that of the fire bombers and various other forms of violent protest. This type of radical action came into play when the Black Panthers did, and despite the Panthers not actually being in Oxford, the attitude was still there. However this radical way of protesting against white supremacy got much stronger in Oxford when the conservative forms seemed to do nothing at all. The conservative approach is that of the nonviolent protests and attempting to reason with the white power structure in order to get the racial equality that blacks were looking for. Part of the conservative movement was Dr. Martin Luther King, who is talked about a lot in Blood Done Sign My Name. Dr. King preached an approach of non-violence, essentially wanting to reason with the white men in power, as opposed to forcing it onto them. In Dr. King’s Letter From Birmingham Jail he says â€Å"†¦I am in Birmingham because injustice is here†¦Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the Macedonian call for aid† . While he is considered conservative, that is only in comparison to the extremists that fire-bombed white owned businesses. Dr. King said â€Å"I cannot sit idly by inShow MoreRelatedDecoted to Civil Rights in Timothy B. Tysons Book, Blood Done Sign My Name1877 Words   |  8 Pages Simplicity is forsaken. Stereotypes are removed. And history materializes as a stirring call for reaction. Timothy B. Tyson confronts readers with a stunning reversal and revisal of the common memoirs devoted to civil rights in his book, Blood Done Sign My Name. Although Tyson’s perspective appears to support the violent strategies employed by frustrated activists, his chronicle of commonplace dialogue, murder, and reconciliation can be used as a supplementary lens of understanding throughRead MoreTimothy B. Tyson s Radio Free Dixie : Robert F Will iams And The Roots Of Black Power1300 Words   |  6 PagesTimothy B. Tyson is a teacher, historian, research scholar, and an award-winning author. Tyson was born in North Carolina in 1959 and was raised there his whole life. In 1987, Tyson earned a B.A. at Emory University and then his Ph. D in history at Duke University in 1994. He also became an assistant professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Wisconsin -Madison the same year he received his Ph.D., and later became a full-time professor. Tyson currently stays in Madison, Wisconsin with

Friday, December 13, 2019

Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions Free Essays

New Year’s Resolutions Apart from the endless cups of tea with Christmas sweets, the great fun and the inmense blissfulness that we experience by the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, the New Year is also the traditional time to make resolutions, which are plans to improve oneself. Resolutions are basically promises to oneself, and like promises, you either keep them or break them. That is to say, you are either successful in keeping your plans, or you are not and you go back to your old habits. We will write a custom essay sample on Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions or any similar topic only for you Order Now The vast majority of people think that they need a new lifestyle, a change, or a recommitment as an individual. The aim of most resolutions is to turn over a new leaf. That is, to make yourself better by changing your routines and habits. It is like making a fresh, new start in your life. Generally there are two main types of resolutions: give up or take up. A lot of people say that their New Year’s Resolutions are to give up a bad habit or to take up a new hobby. Personally, I think that what I would just like to do is carry on working hard; carry on being happy and healthy. I plan to keep on studying, keep on exercising ( I wish I could do it quite often in 2012), keep on eating well and keep on sleeping well, keep on getting on well with my family and friends. And that’s about it, there is nothing else. Nothing too big, nothing too heavy, because experience tells me that if you try to ask yourself to do too much stuff, it will eventually not happen. How to cite Main Types of New Year’s Resolutions, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Natural Vegetation free essay sample

You might have surely gone to a park if you live in a city or to a mango, guava or coconut orchard, if you live in a village. How do you differentiate between the natural vegetation and the planted vegetation? The same variety may be found growing wild in the forest under natural conditions and the same tree may be the planted one in your garden under human supervision. Natural vegetation refers to a plant community that has been left undisturbed over a long time, so as to allow its individual species to adjust themselves to climate and soil conditions as fully as possible. India is a land of great variety of natural vegetation. Himalayan heights are marked with temperate vegetation; the Western Ghats and the Andaman Nicobar Islands have tropical rain forests, the deltaic regions have tropical forests and mangroves; the desert and semi desert areas of Rajasthan are known for cactii, a wide variety of bushes and thorny vegetation. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Vegetation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Depending upon the variations in the climate and the soil, the vegetation of India changes from one region to another. On the basis of certain common features such as predominant vegetation type and climatic regions, Indian forests can be divided into the following groups: Tropical Evergreen and Semi Evergreen Forests These forests are found in the western slope of the Western Ghats, hills of the northeastern region and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. They are found in warm and humid areas with an annual precipitation of over 200 cm and mean annual temperature above 22 oC. Tropical evergreen forests are well stratified, with layers closer to the ground and are covered with shrubs and creepers, with short structured trees followed by tall variety of trees. In these forests, trees reach great heights up to 60 m or above. There is no definite time for trees to shed their leaves, flowering and fruition. As such these forests appear green all the year round. Species found in these forests include rosewood, mahogony, aini, ebony, etc. The semi evergreen forests are found in the less rainy parts of these regions. Such forests have a mixture of evergreen and moist deciduous trees. The undergrowing climbers provide an evergreen character to these forests. Main species are white cedar, hollock and kail. TYPES OF FORESTS (i) Tropical Evergreen and Semi Evergreen forests (ii) Tropical Deciduous forests (iii) Tropical Thorn forests (iv) Montane forests (v) Littoral and Swamp forests. Figure 5. 1 : Evergreen Forest 58 INDIA : PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Figure 5. 2 : Natural Vegetation NATURAL VEGETATION 59 The British were aware of the economic value of the forests in India, hence, large scale exploitation of these forests was started. The structure of forests was also changed. The oak forests in Garhwal and Kumaon were replaced by pine (chirs) which was needed to lay railway lines. Forests were also cleared for introducing plantations of tea, rubber and coffee. The British also used timber for construction activities as it acts as an insulator of heat. The protectional use of forests was, thus, replaced by commercial use. Tropical Deciduous Forests These are the most widespread forests in India. They are also called the monsoon forests. They spread over regions which receive rainfall between 70-200 cm. On the basis of the availability of water, these forests are further divided into moist and dry deciduous. he plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. In the higher rainfall regions of the Peninsular plateau and the northern Indian plain, these forests have a parkland landscape with open stretches in which teak and other trees interspersed with patches of grass are common. As the dry season begins, the trees shed their leaves completely and the forest appears like a vast grassland with naked trees all around. Tendu, palas, amaltas, bel, khair, axlewood, etc. are the common trees of these forests. In the western and southern part of Rajasthan, vegetation cover is very scanty due to low rainfall and overgrazing. Tropical Thorn Forests Tropical thorn forests occur in the areas which receive rainfall less than 50 cm. These consist of a variety of grasses and shrubs. It includes semi-arid areas of south west Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. In these forests, plants remain leafless for most part of the year and give an expression of scrub vegetation. Important species found are babool, ber, and wild date palm, khair, neem, khejri, palas, etc. Tussocky grass grows upto a height of 2 m as the under growth. Figure 5. 3 : Deciduous Forests The Moist deciduous forests are more pronounced in the regions which record rainfall between 100-200 cm. These forests are found in the northeastern states along the foothills of Himalayas, eastern slopes of the Western Ghats and Orissa. Teak, sal, shisham, hurra, mahua, amla, semul, kusum, and sandalwood etc. are the main species of these forests. Dry deciduous forest covers vast areas of the country, where rainfall ranges between 70 -100 cm. On the wetter margins, it has a transition to the moist deciduous, while on the drier margins to thorn forests. These forests are found in rainier areas of the Peninsula and Figure 5. 4 : Tropical Thorn Forests Montane Forests In mountainous areas, the decrease in temperature with increasing altitude leads to a corresponding change in natural vegetation. Mountain forests can be classified into two types, the northern mountain forests and the southern mountain forests. 60 INDIA : PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT The Himalayan ranges show a succession of vegetation from the tropical to the tundra, which change in with the altitude. Deciduous forests are found in the foothills of the Himalayas. It is succeeded by the wet temperate type of forests between an altitude of 1,000-2,000 m. In the higher hill ranges of northeastern India, hilly areas of West Bengal and Uttaranchal, evergreen broad leaf trees such as oak and chestnut are predominant. Between 1,500-1,750 m, pine forests are also well-developed in this zone, with Chir Pine as a very useful commercial tree. Deodar, a highly valued endemic species grows mainly in the western part of the Himalayan range. Deodar is a durable wood mainly used in construction activity. Similarly, the chinar and the walnut, which sustain the famous Kashmir handicrafts, belong to this zone. Blue pine and spruce appear at altitudes of 2,225-3,048 m. At many places in this zone, temperate grasslands are also found. But in the higher reaches there is a transition to Alpine forests and pastures. Silver firs, junipers, pines, birch and rhododendrons, etc. occur between 3,000-4,000 m. However, these pastures are used extensively for transhumance by tribes like the Gujjars, the Bakarwals, the Bhotiyas and the Gaddis. The southern slopes of the Himalayas carry a thicker vegetation cover because of relatively higher precipitation than the drier north-facing slopes. At higher altitudes, mosses and lichens form part of the tundra vegetation. The southern mountain forests include the forests found in three distinct areas of Peninsular India viz; the Western Ghats, the Vindhyas and the Nilgiris. As they are closer to the tropics, and only 1,500 m above the sea level, vegetation is temperate in the higher regions, and subtropical on the lower regions of the Western Ghats, especially in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The temperate forests are called Sholas in the Nilgiris, Anaimalai and Palani hills. Some of the other trees of this forest of economic significance include, magnolia, laurel, cinchona and wattle.